By setting an agenda and providing interesting advance materials, which participants are expected to be able to comment on, the weekly meeting will become more valuable. “That was a really good meeting.” That’s heard when participants got something out of the meeting. But to commit to preparing for a weekly meeting, the value needs to be there. For a meeting to be valuable, you need advanced preparation and consistency. Weekly meetings almost have a “Chicken and the Egg” scenario. This one seems obvious and simple, but it’s hard to commit to a weekly meeting.
Rules are key to getting your team together for an efficient and proactive team meeting. Look for platforms that provide your team with a “One-Stop Shop” for visual project management and communications, with intuitive functionality that can be easily adopted by every member of the team. When one of the three is not reliable, team members will turn to another tool to use and therein lies the failure. Project management requires a tool that is able to combine functionality, communication and organization.
While today not many organizations are using email for project management, the same problem can occur using other platforms. A barrier of project iteration occurs when the tool, in this case, email is not robust enough to handle the project. This is a good example of how even the simplest project iterations can go wildly off track. Everyone has been part of an email string that includes too many people, includes non-pertinent information and becomes a wasteland of confusion and misunderstanding. The most basic level of communication is email. Toolsįor weekly meetings, the biggest barrier to overcome is the use of a tool that is not robust enough for large project iterations. Set up a call to discuss the organizational structure of the remote team and how the team will engage with one another. This can occur at the onset of the project and goes back to communication barriers associated with remote collaboration. Internal disorganization can throw off even the best plan, running on top technology. What is the testing process? Who approves what phases? Do cross-functional teams need to be looped in? Process Make sure all the team members are on-board and accepting the project management plan, and that all the critical steps are in place. Great technology cannot overcome bad communications. Whether your team is remote or not, these potential roadblocks and prevent successful meetings. Regular meetings help team members progress with their weekly work. These weekly meetings are important because they tend to address action items, roadblocks, and questions for the upcoming weeks or barriers from last week.
Weekly meetings are scheduled get-togethers that a team or group has every week at a designated time. In this chapter, we collected potential barriers of weekly meetings, together with rules and tips to overcome these barriers and make the most of your weekly meeting. Finally, engaging the team with the right tool for the session cannot be overlooked. However, language barriers, lack of preparation, low engagement and having the wrong mix of attendees can also create problems. Often, this has to do with the array of time zones and locations. Remote teams can experience barriers to success when it comes to the weekly meeting. Could the lack of love be due to the fact that the value of the meeting doesn’t live up to the time requirement? Weekly meetings: you either love them or… well, you don’t love them.