I know you're strong-willed and authoritative when need be, but a lady's charms can be lethal. I hate to speak ill of anyone, but I could see her manipulation long before today. The model's idea was clever it demonstrated that she is more than just a pretty face. She's a lovely girl, no doubt, but not a future queen by any stretch. Although she was not my favorite, your father had such high hopes that I had allowed myself to hope for greater things. Natalie's presentation disappointed me greatly. surely you didn't think I would miss a chance to mention a few of your Elite, did you? You know how Clarkson feels, and you probably know how the public feels. Speaking of change being loud and disruptive.

I would say that even if you were one of many children. You have the same tenacity and drive, and for that, I am proud. But as a former Four, I accept that change sometimes is loud and disruptive. Nor am I saying that this sort of yelling should occur again. I'm not saying that the kind of disrespect you displayed today should have been seen by the Elite or the producers. You are both strong men in your own right, and those personalities are bound to clash. He does what he does because he loves you, Max, but you have so much of his fierce courage. Yet I sense that sometimes, he pushes you further than you're ready to take.

He wants you to develop into an even greater king than himself. But I also know he wants what's best for you. I thought I could not be more proud when you made the announcement to provide food for the lower castes, but today. This is not something I should be saying-writing, I mean-but I've never been more proud of you than when you stood up to your father today.