
Malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up
Malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up

malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up

I'm also experiencing a lot of PORN type pop ups when IE automatically opens.

malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up

I dont' think it's the antivirus 2010 that I have as that didn't work. Thanks so much! I've attached a few pics so hope they come through. Ctrl ALT Del doesn't even work for this stuff. Do I go ahead and hit "no" on these popups. Should I turn off the computer, do I leave it on.


I went ahead and did an update on it even though I'm pretty sure it was already updated. I have Symantec on my computer but not sure what's going on. I can't open control panel, network.nothing!!!

malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up

So I have no clue as to how I would even send you guys a log or access any urls. The first box "Security Warning." comes up instead. I tried to open hijackthis(had on my computer from a previous issue long ago.I know it's probably out of date but just wanted to see if I could do it. Now if I don't manually access the internet, the internet automatically opens to some adult site ().? I cannot access any internet page(ie google, aol, etc.).This will come up instead. When I try to access the internet, the only page that comes up is Internet Explorer Warning - visiting this website may harm your computer. And yet another bigger box will pop up titled "ATTention! Spyware Alert.vulnerabilities found.thengoes on to say other things. It could be a password-stealing attack, a trojan - dropper or similar" Then it gives a little more info. Doyou want to activate your antivirus software now?" Then another small box pops up the says "Infiltration Alert" Your computer is being attacked by an internet virus. "Security WArning.Application cannot be executed. I am unable to open anything without a box popping up that says I need help! I think I have a virus and not sure what it is or what to do.

Malwarebytes add exclusion that pops up